Introducing Ansys LS-DYNA/MCOL Solver Coupling With Ansys Aqwa Software for Shipbuilding Analysis
For the ship building industry, ship accidents continue to occur regardless of efforts to prevent them. Some extreme or accidental situations such as collision and grounding need to be considered at the design stage. The rigid body dynamic program MCOL was developed in Ansys LS-DYNA® nonlinear dynamics structural simulation software and can be used in simulating ship collision analysis.
The MCOL solver requires an MCO input file containing hydrodynamic parameters such as the rigid body added mass matrix, hydrostatic restoring matrix, buoyancy parameters, wave damping matrices for the body, and others. These parameters were previously provided by third-party software. In this paper, a new development on LS-DYNA/MCOL coupled with Ansys Aqwa™ capabilities has been implemented, in which the Aqwa solver can automatically create the MCOL-required hydrodynamic database as an .mco file.
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