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Ansys 2022 R1: What’s New in Ansys Signal & Power Integrity

Ansys 2022 R1 brings several new features that boost automation, capacity, workflow, and multiphysics capabilities for signal integrity (SI) and power integrity (PI) analysis. Ansys SIwave AC solvers now support temperature gradient fields from Ansys Icepak for a robust SI/PI analysis considering thermal effects. Generate automatic Ansys HFSS regions with the SIwave solver in HFSS 3D Layout. DDR Wizard receives another round of enhancements streamlining the workflow for DDR designs. Ansys Q3D can now automatically identify nets for AC-RL solver and generate magnetic field plots. Plus, we added new capabilities to CPA, SI Xplorer, and circuits.

What Attendees Will Learn

  • Setup AC simulations in SIwave considering temperature from Icepak
  • Automatically generate HFSS regions in HFSS 3D Layout
  • Intro to layout component in HFSS
  • How to plot magnetic fields in Q3D and export to Ansys Ensight


Juliano Mologni

Juliano Mologni is the EMI/EMC Product Manager at Ansys. His background includes over 20 years of experience with patents and more than 60 journal and conference papers related to EMC and computational electromagnetics. His industry experience includes several EMC projects with top automotive, A&D, appliances, and high-tech companies. He holds a BSc degree in Telecommunication Engineering, an MSc degree in Microelectronics, and his Ph.D. thesis research involves research on Automotive EMC and Signal Integrity.




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