Case Study
Case Study
“Because of its huge comparative advantage, including extra functions to automatically create a link between records and overlap graphs contained in multiple records, we chose Granta MI.”
— Tsuyoshi Ito Assistant Chief Engineer, Power Unit Materials Section / Honda Motors
Honda Motors sees a growing need for enhanced automotive parts with reduced weight, cost and higher functionality. By introducing Ansys Granta MI, Honda built a full-feature system to centrally manage materials information and use materials informatics to predict unknown material properties with accuracy, providing direction for the development of new materials. This system has enhanced operational efficiency across their engineering teams and reduced overall development costs.
The primary challenge is a rapidly evolving set of materials that have a wide range of factors determining material properties, with high costs to acquire them through testing. These new materials and manufacturing parameters need to be updated in the materials database, sometimes daily. Critically, these materials properties data should be accessible enterprise-wide for design and simulation engineers, for crash analysis as an example. Data expression consistency, irrespective of the team inputting the data, needs to be maintained.
This system has enhanced operational efficiency across the engineering teams and reduced overall development costs.
Granta MI provided the database foundation for Honda Motors to explore the use of materials informatics to predict prototype materials properties. The following features were key to a successful engineering solution: