AVxcelerate Headlamp 解決方案可讓光學工程師在虛擬環境中測試前照燈設計及其控制軟體。這種虛擬環境的光學特性與即時物理式光學模擬可複製實體環境。
AVxcelerate Headlamp 可驗證控制律行為,並在設計初期測試潛在邊緣案例,藉此加速智慧型前照燈的開發。在虛擬駕駛環境中,利用即時光學模擬輕鬆評估創新智慧光束。提高最終產品品質,同時大大降低在開發過程後期發現問題的風險。
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries
Ansys supports Continental in the area of autonomous driving, testing and validation with more accurate camera sensor simulation.
"Using Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors during ADAS/AD testing and validation, we were able to confidently test real-life scenarios that were previously off-limits to us with simulation, with complete confidence in the accuracy of our results."
— Tomasz Zawistowski Project Manager / HyperSat Creotech Instruments / Piaseczno, Poland
To achieve the high level of accuracy advanced driver assistance systems/ autonomous driving (ADAS/AD) technology requires, Continental must specifically target its camera sensors for simulation. Currently Continental engineers do real-world driving on test tracks or roads to train, test, and validate ADAS or AD systems. They also do component-level testing and simulation; however, there are only limited engineering simulation solutions available to tackle this problem. Even though the effort to develop a well-rounded solution is ongoing, the collaboration between Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors and Continental camera sensor solutions is delivering promising results.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries
January 2024 R1
AVxcelerate Headlamp can provide a digital twin of the test track to test the requirements needed for compliance with FMVSS 108 virtual regulation, saving time and cost and improving the efficiency of the Adaptive Driving Beam (ADB) headlight system.
Ansys VRXPERIENCE 前照燈可延伸智慧照明測試 (例如 AFS、ADB、矩陣和像素光束) 以及控制律模型,以評估 IIHS 額定值。此外,執行早期的迴路中驅動測試,以提高最終產品品質,並大大降低在開發程序後期發現問題的風險。
在本影片中,您將瞭解如何在 ANSYS VRXPERIENCE Headlamp 中使用並比較不同的照明系統。VRXPERIENCE 可即時以虛擬方式評估前照燈效能,減少夜間道路測試的需求。它擴充了用來評估 IIHS 額定值的智慧照明 (AFS、ADB、矩陣和像素光束) 和控制律模型測試範圍。
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