AVxcelerate Autonomy 將統計分析與大規模模擬結合。它能將情境探索自動化,以證明並持續驗證 ADAS/AD 安全所需的軟體和系統。
Ansys AVxcelerate Autonomy enables L2+, L3, and above ADAS/AD systems by helping to simulate majority of the required driving tests via virtual simulation. AVxcelerate Autonomy can deliver up to 100,000x reduction in cost and time to compliance. Achieve at least a 100x reduction due to virtualization of the actual drive and an additional 1000x reduction by adaptive optimization in the cloud.
AVxcelerate Autonomy 將統計分析與大規模模擬結合。它能將情境探索自動化,以證明並持續驗證 ADAS/AD 安全所需的軟體和系統。
January 2025
The enhanced capabilities released in 2025 R1 not only address the critical safety needs of our customers but also weave in the digital engineering thread to improve the entire autonomous systems development ecosystem. By improving efficiency, accuracy, usability, and security, we ensure our solutions are reliable and user-friendly.
Reference implementation of ASAM OpenDRIVE/OpenSCENARIO SML. Ansys contributes to openPASS and embeds an OpenSource simulation that is Q&A and ISO 26262 certified. Models can now be defined as FMU and comply with ASAM OSI® OSMP format that improves consistent interoperability, scalability, and adaptability.
Ansys 2024 R2 brings increased performance, scalability, and cloud processing (Azure & AWS) for AVxcelerate Autonomy users to simulate larger, more complicated scenarios (>500k samples per job), along with multiple ease-of-use UI improvements.
BMW 集團與 Ansys 共同開發自動化和自駕模擬軟體
AVxcelerate Autonomy 是一套靈活、模組化且 MBSE 驅動的解決方案,能夠判斷 ADAS/AD 功能故障的可能性。我們獨家最佳化演算法的調適型本質,有助於讓安全驗證所需的測試時間縮減 1000 倍。
充分發揮 AVxcelerate Autonomy 的多功能性和獨特功能來完成 ADAS/AD 專案。
對於 Ansys 來說,讓所有使用者 (包括身心障礙人士) 都能夠運用我們的產品是至關重要的。因此,我們致力於遵循美國無障礙委員會 (第 508 節)、無障礙網頁內容規範 (WCAG)、自願性產品輔助工具範本 (VPAT) 當前格式等各項無障礙需求。
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