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適用於教育工作者的 Ansys

Ansys 致力於與學術界合作,為所有使用者提供靈活的教育解決方案。我們以領先業界的模擬軟體,結合適用於材料教育的 Ansys Granta EduPack,提供低成本的多重物理產品組合。


適用於教育工作者的 ANSYS

為何選擇使用 Ansys 進行教學呢?

因為產品開發和優化工作流程中,模擬漸漸普及化,所以造成就業市場中對具有工程模擬技能的畢業生的需求繼續增加。這些畢業生的需求超過了供應量、因此 Ansys 致力於與教育工作者合作、提供彈性的學術工具。Ansys 提供領先業界的工具,賦予教育工作者能力,使他們能夠向學生提供實體操作軟體的經驗與教學,並在他們進入就業市場時,爲他們提供競爭優勢。

模擬對STEM、本科生、研究生和博士生都有好處。模擬可讓 STEM、大學部、研究所和博士學生受益。利用 Ansys 工具,學生可快速學習複雜的概念,並在畢業前做好就業準備,進而節省雇主的培訓費用和生產力耗損。 

Explore Ansys Academic Products

Explore Ansys’ academic products that include industry-leading simulation technology, bundled by physics area. Our education products are designed to empower educators to give students the best hands-on experience possible, giving them a competitive edge as they enter their industry. Product bundles are available to support any education need, from an individual class and professor teaching in one physics area, to our multiphysics campus-wide solution built for large scale deployment across a department or multiple departments. Additionally, Ansys GRANTA EduPack supports materials education.

Learn More Product Feature Table


Ansys 提供資源,協助教育工作者於模擬和材料教育領域開發課程並授課。我們的教學課程範例、影片、資源和課程可讓您輕鬆學習如何使用 Ansys 模擬工具並了解智慧型材料的價值。

learning resources

Education Resources

Designed to enhance the learning experience, Ansys Education Resources provides comprehensive materials that facilitate the integration of simulation tools into engineering curricula. By leveraging these resources, educators can enrich their course offerings and empower students with practical skills in simulation that are crucial for modern engineering challenges. Resources include:

  • Case Studies: Real-world applications of Ansys tools
  • Exercises: Hands-on tasks to reinforce learning
  • Teaching Packages: Complete educational kits for structured learning
  • Lecture Presentations: Ready-to-use slides for classroom instruction


learning resources

Academic Webinars

Ansys simulation and materials products are taught and used in undergraduate and graduate level courses around the world. This webinar series highlights speakers from Ansys as well as educators from universities and focuses on:

  • How to enhance your curricula
  • Providing students with a hands-on learning experience
  • Improving retention rates

Funded Curriculum Module

Funded Curriculum

As part of our ongoing mission to support the teaching of engineering, science, and design, Ansys works strategically with educators to evolve curricula. Our goals are to keep pace with the needs of industry while ensuring students can make an impact on day one of their careers. We invite ideas that:

  • Incorporate Ansys technologies in new and unique ways
  • Include project-based learning
  • Encompass real-world challenges



當今的學生在 2030 年進入就業市場時,他們將從事的工作,有 85% 尚未被創造出來。這使得保持教育課程的相關性非常困難。爲了探索學術界與就業市場的落差,Ansys 側重於兩個電氣工程方面:天線和射頻組件/系統設計。透過與業界專家的訪談,我們調查了哪些大學正在做什麼,以解決經培訓的工程師短缺的現象。  
