Ansys Forming 採用 LS-DYNA 求解器技術,提供完整平台,滿足您所有的金屬衝壓需求。Ansys Forming 能夠監控每個階段的預設值,包括可行性、可變形性和回溯性,可加快早期階段工作進度,並提出詳細的設計配置。
Ansys Forming 經由端對端工作流程模擬所有金屬衝壓工作,允許您在單一平台上以最快的求解時間執行整個成型處理程序。有了 Ansys Forming ,您就可以達到最佳性能、保持速度和準確度目標,並透過減少晶粒切割和重新設計需求來提高工作效率,同時節省成本。
Ansys Forming 採用 LS-DYNA 求解器技術,提供完整平台,滿足您所有的金屬衝壓需求。Ansys Forming 能夠監控每個階段的預設值,包括可行性、可變形性和回溯性,可加快早期階段工作進度,並提出詳細的設計配置。
January 2025
The 2025 R1 of Ansys Forming contains several new features and three notable highlights: Hot Forming, drawing bead profiles, and drawing die spring back compensation.
Ansys Forming now supports the new project type, Hot Forming. This type of project utilizes additional thermal settings and material properties to simulate draw operations in a Hot Forming process.
Temperature components of the simulation are viewable in contour plots during postprocessing analysis.
The new functionality enables splitting draw beads into distinct segments for greater flexibility in modeling. The enhanced draw bead design interface incorporates the three most common profiles and uses automatic 2D simulations to calculate uplift and restraining forces accurately.
This functionality iteratively adjusts the geometry of the draw die to account for deviations caused by part spring back. With Ansys Forming, the software automatically updates trimming curves and visualizes deviations from the target geometry for each iteration, ensuring precision. The setup process is straightforward, and user-friendly tools are available for enhanced control and verification.
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