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在工程分析軟體的世界中,Ansys 品質保證計劃是衡量業界其他所有產品的標準。企業仰賴優質成果以節省時間與金錢,並讓設計程序更有效率。Ansys 提供客戶可信賴的優質產品,可讓您在更短的時間內分析設計,並確保準確的結果。

Ansys quality system has been certified to the Quality Management Systems Standard ISO 9001 since 1995 for “The development, delivery, and support of software products and training for engineering simulation. The provision of Quality Assurance and verification services for software products. The provision of reliability engineering services.” 

Ansys ISO 9001 Certificate (PDF)

Ansys offers two types of optional QA Services for customers requiring additional quality assurance when using Ansys software:

  • Quality Assurance Testing Agreement
  • Quality Assurance Service Agreement

These QA Services are optional, off-the-shelf offerings intended to assist customers in testing, verifying and validating the performance of the Ansys products covered by the QA Services terms.

QA Services Terms (PDF)

Verification Testing Package

With both types of QA services, Ansys provides testing services for verifying and validating a subset of Ansys products covered by the QA Services terms on your computer and operating system.

You can use our automated testing service to execute verification tests, perform comparisons against certified outputs, and produce a computer-generated summary file quickly and easily — providing confidence that system changes have not adversely affected software results.

The Verification Testing Package includes:

  1. One copy of the Ansys Verification Manual, providing a collection of analysis problems you can use to test how Ansys features and functions operate on your system.
  2. Testing services on one operating system, including:
    • License for a compare program and automated testing procedure.
    • Inputs and certified outputs for Ansys Verification Manual test cases.
    • Inputs and certified outputs for Class 3 Error correction test cases

The Quality Assurance Testing Agreement is suitable for customers in a variety of industries who require additional assurance to satisfy their own quality standards or to meet regulatory requirements

With a Quality Assurance Testing Agreement, Ansys will provide:

  • One controlled copy of the Ansys Quality Manual including applicable revisions
  • The Verification Testing Package for each major release during the QA agreement term
  • Telephone support for the Verification Testing Package.

The Quality Assurance Service Agreement is suitable for the customers working in the nuclear industry who need to meet specific federal regulations including 10CRF50 Appendix B and provisions of 10CFR21.

With the Quality Assurance Service Agreement, Ansys provides everything in the Quality Assurance Testing Agreement plus:

  • Ansys issued Certificate of Conformance for Ansys products covered by the QA Services Terms and the associated Verification Testing Package certifying their conformance to the Ansys Quality Management System.
  • Notification of Class 3 Error Reports delivered via email to a designated contact person.
  • Right to audit Ansys’ facilities once during the QA Service Agreement term for up to two (2) days with up to two (2) audit team members per day. 

For information on obtaining Ansys Quality Assurance services, contact the Quality Assurance team at

Errors, though undesirable, are inevitable in software products as large and as complex as Ansys products, and even the most rigorous product tests do not always catch every error. Ansys' policy is to correct errors in our products and/or notify customers about the errors and provide workarounds as quickly as possible.

Error Reporting and Resolution

Anyone can report an error in Ansys products. Once an error is reported or found, it is tracked in the bug tracking system and the resolution process begins. If a customer reported the error, Ansys will notify the customer when it's resolved. All efforts are made to correct any bugs affecting customers as quickly as possible.

Class 3 Errors — which allow the program execution to complete and yield results that may be wrong but not easily identifiable as incorrect — are accorded a high priority in the investigation and resolution process. All Class 3 Error Reports are posted on the customer portal.

For information on obtaining Ansys Class 3 Error Reports, contact the Quality Assurance team at

Service Packs

To minimize the impact of errors on customers between major releases of our products, Ansys occasionally issues service pack releases that include error corrections. A Service Pack is a release delivering little or no new functionality and primarily intended to provide customers with urgently needed bug fixes to existing Major or Focused Release software. The Service Pack may be delivered as a patch to be applied to an existing software installation.

How to report Errors?

When you discover errors in any Ansys product, always inform an Ansys channel partner or technical support staff member.

When reporting an error, describe it as specifically as possible. The more information and details you provide to your support contact, the faster we can diagnose and solve the problem. You can also help your support contact and us by following these tips:

  • Document the circumstances that produced the error. For example, how was your Ansys environment configured when the error occurred?
  • What type of analysis were you doing? What analysis options were active? What did you do (or what happened) immediately before the error occurred?
  • Try to reproduce the error and save output data if possible. Forward the data to your support contact along with your input file and error report.
  • Provide information about any temporary workarounds you found for the error.
  • Provide information if the analysis that produced the error differed in any way from similar analyses that ran without problems.

At Ansys, we do our best to deliver high quality products and services. If a problem occurs, we are committed to replying promptly to your feedback and ideas on how we can do things better. To ensure that all complaints receive appropriate assistance and problem resolution, our quality system includes a detailed procedure for handling them.

We define a complaint as a high-level, serious problem that impacts the relationship between Ansys and our customers.

Software bugs and product enhancement requests are not complaints. Use the procedure described in the “Reporting Errors” section to notify us of such issues. If you have minor problems that aren't errors or enhancement requests, a simple phone call often can resolve them before they escalate into complaints.

If you want to submit a complaint,  contact Ansys Technical Support as indicated on Ansys website. The information will be logged into our customer complaint system, and our Technical Support team will track the complaint's status until it is resolved.

Customer Support and Help Desk: Submit a Request

We welcome your suggestions to enhance our products and services and increase their quality. You can help us to determine which features and functions can improve our products most by submitting enhancement requests to an Ansys Channel Partner or an Ansys Technical Support representative.

When we start planning a new product release, our product creation managers review these requests along with other proposed requirements. The items you request help us to focus on delivering functionality that significantly benefits most Ansys users and answers your most pressing needs.

Contact Ansys Technical Support as indicated on Ansys website to make any suggestion. 

Ansys 設計分析軟體是第一款在獲得國際公認品質標準 ISO 9001 認證的品質系統中建立的設計分析軟體。產品開發、測試、維護和支援程序也符合美國核能管理委員會的品質要求,近四十年來始終如一。

在每項新產品發布前,Ansys 工作人員都會執行超過 60,000 次軟體驗證測試。我們為客戶提供三種層級的支援,協助客戶自行針對 Ansys 程式進行嚴格的現場測試。


  • 可在多種硬體平台上使用
  • 單一且簡單易用的圖形使用者介面,在所有 Ansys 程式均擁有百分之百的檔案相容性
  • Ansys 技術支援與全球 Ansys 通路合作夥伴提供無與倫比的客戶支援,背後是我們的產品建置、企業品質及技術支援團隊,其擁有紮實的工程、程式設計及電腦輔助工程經驗
  • 與領先業界的軟體廠商合作的網路,可提供最佳的工程工具
  • 主動告知錯誤並提供因應措施