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Ansys for Students

Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success tomorrow, by providing free simulation engineering software licenses to students at all levels. Support your learning with free courses, our support community and a wealth of student-focused tutorials.


我們的免費工程軟體在全世界有數百萬使用者,可供學生用於家庭作業、總整計畫和學生競賽。 我們的可續訂產品可供全球學生免費下載,並可安裝在任何支援的 MS Windows 64 位元電腦上。

Ansys Student

Ansys Student

Ansys Student 是以 Ansys Workbench 為基礎的套件組合,其中提供 Ansys Mechanical、Ansys CFD、Ansys Autodyn、Ansys Discovery,  Ansys SpaceClaim , Ansys optiSLang。Ansys Student 在全球有數十萬名學生下載使用,其中含有一些我們最受歡迎的市售產品。此產品的使用者可能也會覺得下載 Ansys LS-DYNA Student 產品有所幫助。


Ansys LS-DYNA Student

Ansys LS-DYNA Student 擁有各式各樣使用其明確求解器的功能,可模擬材料對短期重度負載及極端變形的反應。學生將其用於檢查材料失效,以及失效如何影響系統的零件。LS-DYNA Student 對於汽車、航空和其他領域的應用相當實用。

Ansys Electronics Desktop Student

Ansys Electronics Desktop Student

Ansys Electronics Desktop Student 是我們的業界黃金標準模擬器,用於處理天線、射頻、微波、PCB、IC 和 IC封裝設計,以及電動機和發電機等機電裝置。學生將能存取 Ansys HFSS、Ansys Maxwell、Ansys Q3D 和 Ansys Icepak,將設計工作轉換成各式各樣的電氣和機電系統。

cell phone lens

Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student

Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student provides an intuitive interface and powerful tools, allowing students to gain hands-on experience designing and analyzing optical systems. With extensive materials and optical element libraries, students can accurately simulate real-world scenarios, aiding their understanding of optics fundamentals and enhancing problem-solving skills. This software explores different design options, optimizes performance and manufacturability, and includes seamless integration with other programs for efficient workflows.

cell phone lens

Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student

Ansys Zemax OpticStudio Student provides an intuitive interface and powerful tools, allowing students to gain hands-on experience designing and analyzing optical systems. With extensive materials and optical element libraries, students can accurately simulate real-world scenarios, aiding their understanding of optics fundamentals and enhancing problem-solving skills. This software explores different design options, optimizes performance and manufacturability, and includes seamless integration with other programs for efficient workflows.

Ansys Rocky Addin Thumbnail

Ansys Rocky Student Add-Ins

Ansys Rocky Student Add-Ins enhance the Rocky Student Version with specialized modules and scripts that extend its capabilities. These tools allow users to apply external forces, remove particles, modify particle properties, collect data, and achieve much more.

Ansys Rocky Addin Thumbnail

Ansys Rocky Student Add-Ins

Ansys Rocky Student Add-Ins enhance Ansys Rocky (found in the Ansys Student free download) with specialized modules and scripts that extend its capabilities. These tools allow users to apply external forces, remove particles, modify particle properties, collect data, and achieve much more.



我們的使命,是讓每位工科學生在進入職場之前,都具備使用我們軟體的深厚經驗。我們與 92 個國家的超過 2,750 所大學合作,直接為學生提供寶貴的免費資源,藉此實現此一目標。模擬熟練程度和材料教育是您綜合技能組合的重要一環,並將提高您對世界頂級公司的吸引力。此外,學習模擬將為您的理論教科書學習補足實用的務實設計經驗。


Ansys 致力於為您的未來注入動能。我們擁有多種專為協助您開始上手而設計的資源,類型涵蓋我們的學習論壇支援社群,以及免費的創新課程、影片教學課程和其他項目。 

learning forum

Learning Forum

The Ansys Learning Forum (formerly called Ansys Student Community) is the go-to support community for academia. Search for answers to common questions, browse discussion categories to see what others are talking about and engage with your peers and Ansys experts.

innovation courses

Innovation Courses

These free courses extend beyond physics theory and reinforce concepts with high-fidelity Ansys simulations and real-world case studies. Developed for students, the comprehensive educational experience features online lecture videos led by Ansys experts and key academic partners, handouts, homework, tutorials and quizzes.

learning resources

Learning Resources

Ansys’ learning resources are a one-stop shop for all of our free learning resources available, including the Learning Forum, videos with technology tips and introductory student tutorials with step-by-step directions for performing basic simulations.


Ansys 為學生團隊提供資源贊助,讓他們能夠存取免費的多物理場軟體套組組合,協助他們參與競賽並培養他們具備面對真實世界的能力。

今天的學生會成為未來的工程師、研究人員和企業家。Ansys 為參與 Formula SAE (FSAE)、Solar Challenge、Electronic Design Competition、Solar Splash 等競賽的大學學生團隊提供工程模擬軟體。

學生版 Ansys