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Ansys + Mars

Mars Designs More Sustainable Packaging Solutions

It's a Wrap

Mars is known for its sweet treats, including M&Ms, Skittles, Snickers, and Twix, wrapped in familiar, uniquely branded experiences. Still, it’s easy to tear off and discard what’s on the outside to get to the sugary goodness inside without thinking about what happens next. See how simulation is helping the confectionary company design packaging solutions that are either recyclable, compostable, or reusable to meet its environmental targets.

“It’s important for us to look at new materials that are not going to be harmful to the environment. Through modeling and simulation, we can accelerate that process. The tools that Ansys brings to bear help us to understand that virtually, before we even bring the materials in house.”

Jim Kennedy, Computational Science Discipline Leader at Mars

Additional Resources

Bosch Creates Accurate Models for Food Packaging

Robert Bosch Packaging Technology uses optiSLang in conjunction with Rocky DEM to obtain accurate models for the simulation of vertical filling of granular foods.


Material Selection for Speed & Sustainability at Electroflight

Electroflight wanted to build the fastest all-electric aircraft. Coupling structural dynamic and thermal simulation with careful material selection, they met the weight and sustainability design targets needed to do just that.

Battery cell holder

Managing Materials to Achieve Sustainability Objectives

Every day companies are leveraging Ansys software solutions to better manage materials information and achieve their own corporate sustainability goals.