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Understanding New Material Designs using the Ansys Granta EduPack Software

This lecture highlights how materials have evolved over time and how this discovery and invention of new materials has expanded the usable property space for design. Engineers can use property charts created in Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education, such as strength vs. density, to target new materials to design. Special emphasis is placed on structural hybrids and limits in the design space are shown.

This lecture can be used alongside “Understanding Material Property Manipulation with Ansys Granta EduPack” (linked below) for a mechanics of materials, material processing, or design of materials course to help provide context and visualization to improve student comprehension.

Learning Outcomes 

  • Knowledge about structural and architecture materials
  • Ability to fill holes in the property space of materials
  • Realization of the potential for material development

Applicable Courses for Use

  • Mechanics of Materials/Strength of Materials
  • Material Processing
  • Design of Materials

Related Resources

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* = 필수 항목

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