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Ansys Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK)

Process tracking data and generate orbit ephemeris with realistic covariance

Ansys ODTK provides highly accurate orbit estimates throughout the engineering life cycle, from mission design through operations.

The industry’s trusted solution for orbit determination software.

With Ansys ODTK, you can process a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional measurements to generate orbits with realistic covariance. ODTK can combine diverse sets of measurement types into one seamless result, enabling you to track objects from the ground, space, sea, and air using any phenomenology.

  • Check icon outline
    Over 100 unique measurement models
  • Check icon outline
    LEO, cislunar, and deep space missions
  • Check icon outline
    Maneuver modeling and ephemeris covariance

The industry’s trusted solution for orbit determination software.

With Ansys ODTK, you can process a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional measurements to generate orbits with realistic covariance. ODTK can combine diverse sets of measurement types into one seamless result, enabling you to track objects from the ground, space, sea, and air using any phenomenology.

  • Check icon outline
    Over 100 unique measurement models
  • Check icon outline
    LEO, cislunar, and deep space missions
  • Check icon outline
    Maneuver modeling and ephemeris covariance
ODTK Covariance Uncertainty.jpg

Quick Specs

Simulate potential new tracking hardware and tasking schedules. Track Resident Space Objects (RSOs) that are frequently maneuvering. Plan rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO). Model new situations, sensors, and trajectory concepts for analysis and simulation.

  • Support Early Phase Mission Design
  • Simulate Predicted Orbit Accuracies
  • Process Spacecraft Tracking Data
  • Integrate Into Flight Dynamics
  • Support Landing Operations On Other Bodies
  • Geolocate Ground Emitters
  • Containerize For Cloud Deployment

Operationally Proven Spacecraft Navigation Software

Highly accurate orbit estimates and pre-flight simulations reduce costs and optimize resources.

Ansys ODTK provides highly accurate orbit estimates. Run preflight simulations to evaluate proposed tracking methodologies, reducing costs and optimizing resources while meeting mission requirements. Visualize your results in customized output products using the embedded reporting and graphing capability. With ODTK’s state-of-the-art optimal sequential filter and matched smoother, meet your most stringent mission requirements. Use ODTK’s automated interface to simplify operator workflows or integrate them into larger systems.



Support and Simulate Mission Design and Planning

Promote early phase mission design and planning, trade studies, proposals, or internal research. Simulate predicted orbit accuracies for a proposed mission to ensure that it is flyable—process spacecraft tracking data to navigate accurately and confidently on live missions. Integrate into a flight dynamics system for hands-on or lights-out operations—endorse landing operations on other bodies, such as the Moon or Mars. Geolocate ground emitters—containerize for cloud deployment.

Sensor Fusion.jpg


Key Features

Enables Earth-based, cislunar, and deep space missions

  • Optimal sequential estimation
  • Tracking and data simulation
  • Initial orbit determination (IOD) methods
  • Analysis
  • Robust well documented API

Automate data editing, ephemeris generation, including realistic covariance, and quality assurance information sensitive to measurements and system dynamics.

Evaluate proposed tracking methodologies and schedules concerning mission requirements. ODTK supports integrated system testing, including the effects of anomalies in the tracking data.

Gooding Angles Only, Herrick-Gibbs, GNSS navigation solution and Geosynchronous – to determine the initial state of a satellite.

Includes a wide variety of data elements and predefined styles for reporting and graphing. You can also use custom styles for graphs and Python-based report styles for nearly limitless customization. Export output data as text or CSV files to easily import into other analysis tools. Load ODTK results into Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK) for further analysis.

Automate processing in support of large parametric or Monte-Carlo analyses, simplified operator workflows, and lights-out operations. You can use the Component Object Model (COM) or cross-platform support of MATLAB, Python, and C++ integration on Windows and Linux.


Featured Webinars

Webinar Series
Discovery Webinar Series
Digital Transformation and MBSE: Solutions for the Future

Learn how your organization can leverage Ansys solutions to achieve these goals with this 5-part webinar series.

ODTK R2 2022
Ansys 2022 R2: ODTK and Deep Space Mission Planning, Surface Vehicle Positioning, and Satellite Deployment

Join Dr. James Woodburn, Chief Orbital Scientist for Ansys, as he discusses the new ODTK features. Dr. Woodburn specializes in software development focusing on visibility analysis, orbital conjunctions, orbit propagation, and orbit determination. He'll review the new features that extend capabilities in deep space mission planning and execution, surface vehicle positioning, and satellite deployment from a tracked host vehicle.


What’s New in ODTK 7.5

In this video, Cal walks you through the updates to ODTK 7.5 from ground vehicle estimation, to child satellite deployment modeling.

