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Digital Mission Engineering

From chip to mission, connect modeling and simulation efforts across all phases of the engineering product life cycle. Model multi-domain operational environments, including land, sea, air and space, with accurate, dynamic, physics-based simulations. Integrate with the Ansys portfolio of multi-physics tools and solvers to achieve unmatched end-to-end modeling and simulation.

Digital Mission Engineering (DME) Solutions

Digital mission engineering products enable engineers, operators, and analysts to connect modeling and simulation efforts across all phases of the engineering product life cycle. Model operational environments and the interrelationships of assets with accurate, dynamic, physics-based simulations to validate system designs with respect to the missions outcome.  Model assets across multiple domains, including land, sea, air, and space.  Analyze system performance, and integrate with the Ansys portfolio of multi-physics tools and solvers to achieve unmatched end-to-end modeling and simulation.

Digital Mission Engineering Products

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Digital Mission Engineering

New updates include improved data routing and optimization for large constellation design, Python enhancements and aircraft performance modeling streamlining.

Large Satellite Constellation Designs
Improved Data Routing and Optimization for Large Satellite Constellation Designs

Ansys STK now offers expanded capabilities for users leveraging STK’s Chains and Constellation objects, to construct and analyze complex data relay and multi-object connectivity paths.

Python for STK
Python Enhancements for Ansys STK

Leverage a more flexible API interaction with STK-driven workflows. Providing a more streamlined way to interact with containerized instances, reducing complexity, setup efforts, and an alternative way to architect solutions for scalability and performance.

Aircraft Performance Modeling
Streamlined Aircraft Performance Modeling with STK Premium Air

User will benefit from simplified definition workflows directly within STK’s Aviator design tool, which shortens the runway to achieving high fidelity model-based flight trajectories.

Digital Mission Engineering Applications

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Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

Deliver systems faster and accelerate operational decision-making.Digital mission engineering and operations software tools are packed with air-specific capabilities to shorten development cycles, streamline sustainment efforts, and enhance situational awareness. Connect model-based engineering to our mission analysis platform and achieve unrivaled speed.

STK, Satellite, Coverage

Model complex, multidomain systems that incorporate your communications systems. Ensure that all your missions will have the communications they need to succeed. Evaluate configurations for your communications systems to optimize them. Arrange your assets where they give you the most while costing you the least.


Go beyond geometry and model radiometric detection to evaluate EOIR sensor performance. Analyze performance and detection over time. Generate images of the detections to visualize the synthetic scene. With DME solutions, you can model radiometric detection and performance and within the context of your entire mission and all your available assets.


Put all your geospatial data to fast, practical use. The expanding demand for geospatial intelligence meets with rapidly expanding data sets. You can synthesize data, model complex systems, and analyze the results with DME solutions.


DME solutions offer you the ability to model the full system of systems in a realistic operational environment to make critical engineering and mission planning decisions. Import standard data models or design your missile models. Evaluate parabolic and hypersonic trajectories in physics-based, high-fidelity simulations. Extend your models from land to space.


Design and model complex radar systems. Model radar systems with exquisite fidelity and apply them to the system of systems and the things you need them to detect. Evaluate it within the context of its mission.


DME solutions streamline processes and help mitigate risks throughout a system’s life cycle. From a single satellite to a large constellation, a simple orbit to a maneuvering trajectory, a primary signal relay to an EOIR sensor – when it comes to space, our software has a long history of helping you plan your future.


Land, sea, air, space, cyber – dominance in one domain is no longer possible without systems that span them all. Simulate multidoman, multi-aspect systems to streamline development, dismantle silos, and accelerate delivery.


Automate routine, repetitive tasks that maintain your catalog of orbiting space objects in a state of readiness. Deveote your time and expertise to solving problems using the data, rahter than solving problems about the data.


STK and ODTK Overview

Overview: STK and ODTK 2024 R1

Overview: What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 STK and ODTK.

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BEE 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 Behavior Execution Engine (BEE).

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STK TETK 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 STK Test and Evaluation Tool Kit (TETK).

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Chain Objects

STK Chain Objects 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 STK Chain Objects.

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Coverage Tool

STK Coverage Tool 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 STK Coverage Tool.

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ODTK 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK).

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STK Aviator 2024 R1

What's new with Ansys 2024 R1 STK Aviator.

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screenshot of STK

Why it's easier to choose Systems Took Kit (STK)

It’s easier than ever to choose STK Pro, STK Premium for Air or Space, or STK Enterprise.

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