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Ansys HFSS Antenna


본 강좌는 Ansys의 3차원 고주파 전자기장 해석 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어인 HFSS를 이용한 안테나 해석방법에 대한 교육과정입니다. HFSS를 이용하여 안테나를 해석하기 위한 분들을 대상으로 하며, 기본적인 사용법과 함께 보다 정확하고 효율적인 안테나 분석방법을 익힐 수 있도록 예제들을 통한 실습 위주의 교육입니다.

학습 결과물

이 과정을 완료한 후, 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다 

  • Create antennas from the Antenna Design Toolkit or by drawing new geometry
  • Generate both far field and near field plots for linear and circular polarizations
  • Create antenna simulation results reports and plot field overlays on antenna geometry
  • Connect antenna structures to RF circuit schematics
  • Run Optimetrics in HFSS as well as set up optiSLang to work with HFSS
  • Understand and choose various EM formulations available for antenna design
  • Set up both infinite array and finite array simulations





Available Dates

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with a Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a 1-day classroom course covering both tutorials and workshops. For virtual training, this course is covered over 2 x 2 hour sessions. Module 1 Introductory workshops provide antenna-related HFSS familiarity; they should be completed independently prior to the start of class.

Virtual Classroom Session 1

  • Using the HFSS Antenna Toolkit to generate antenna designs ready-to-simulate
  • Post-processing: far field plots, infinite sphere setup, S-parameter and fields plots. 
  • Near field radiation setups and plots including interaction between two horns. 
  • Overlaying field plots on antenna design geometry
  • Circulation polarization example with both lumped and wave ports. 
  • Boundaries: Radiation/ABC (absorbing boundary condition), PML (perfectly matched layer), and FE-BI (finite element- boundary integral)

Virtual Classroom Session 2

  • Dynamic link of a log-periodic antenna with an impedance matching network
  • Introduction to Optimetrics and workshop with tuning derivatives
  • HFSS derivative optimization of SYZ parameters using optiSLang
  • HFSS IE (integral equation) formulation and Hybrid Region
  • HFSS IE blade antenna workshop
  • FEM FE-BI, IE and SBR+ formulations
  • Blade antenna FE-BI, IE, and SBR+ comparison workshop
  • Hybrid Finite Element & Integral Equation link
  • Dish and reflector antenna hybrid regions workshops