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Electromagnetic Modeling of Full Vehicles and Their Cables – Unique Ansys Capabilities

Manufacturers of automobiles and aircraft require full digital representations of their vehicles that allow for accurate electromagnetic simulation. In the automotive industry, there is a desire to simulate and predict the full vehicle electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance of a vehicle using digital designs, which can be performed months or years before vehicles are available for lab testing. In aerospace and defense applications, digital simulation is important for EMC, but it is also essential for designing to meet electromagnetic environmental effect (E3) requirements. This includes dramatic events such as lightning strikes, as well as more standard conditions such as operating in strong electromagnetic field conditions.

The paper examines the electromagnetic simulation problem of large platforms such as aircraft or land vehicles along with their internal data-carrying cables using Ansys EMC Plus. A combination of solvers is used to properly capture the electromagnetic behavior of the cables, co-simulate the platform body and its cables bidirectionally, import data from CAD and cable database software automatically, and properly model cable terminations (including imperfect ones).

Aircraft EMC simulation


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