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Physics-Based Sensor Simulation for In-Cabin Sensing Systems Development

In-cabin sensing system requirements are increasingly becoming an essential part of governments policies and car safety rating organizations. 

The Ansys simulation toolset can help manufacturers and suppliers provide the dossier required by organizations like EuroNCAP thanks to: 

  1. Creation of safe and efficient data through first-class animation and sensor simulation technology, based on motion capture techniques, measured optical and dielectric material properties
  2. Simulated sensor data accelerates perception algorithms training and validation
  3. Unlimited in-cabin scenarios carried out in complete safety with digital models and automatic permutation of driver assets and objects 
  4. Optimized sensor positioning caters for variation of global human morphology 

What you will learn

  • Learn in-cabin sensing systems requirements and examples
  • Watch physics-based sensor simulation for in-cabin monitoring systems development and validation process
  • Discover in-cabin monitoring systems simulation case studies


Kmeid Saad
Bruno Fairy


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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