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New Workflows for Fusion Power Plant Design using PyAEDT

The global energy crisis has driven investment and seen a resurgence in positioning fusion as a viable future power source. The engineering challenges of designing such a power plant are unique, with parts subjected to extreme temperatures, magnetic fields, and loads during regular and disruptive events. The demand for simulation is to answer these 'what if' scenarios involving the load conditions and the need for automated workflows to explore novel reactor designs.

This webinar tackles how Ansys solvers can be used to steer the development of future fusion reactors and introduce background fusion physics basics and Electromagnetic confinement methods. We'll discuss some common reactor topologies, the parametric setup (demonstrated using PyAEDT libraries and toolkits), and example workflows and needs for EM-Mechanical coupled analysis are also shown. Finally, we'll present how PyAEDT libraries can create open-source customized workflows and toolkits for the fusion community.

What Attendees Will Learn

  • Learn how our solvers can steer the development of future fusion reactor designs
  • See workflows and EM-Mechanical coupled method examples
  • Discover how PyAEDT libraries can create open-source customized workflows and toolkits


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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