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Designing an E-Machine: Optimizing Electric Machines with Multiphysics Analysis

This webinar will show how Ansys Motor-CAD can be coupled with Ansys optiSLang to provide a multiphysics, multi-objective optimization procedure. We will demonstrate how an electric vehicle motor can be optimized to give maximum drive cycle efficiency, minimum cost and minimum size, while achieving a specified peak and continuous torque/speed requirement.

Topics covered included:

  • How to efficiently evaluate each design candidate against the full specification and objectives
  • Leveraging state-of-the-art metamodel-based optimization methods for a groundbreaking workflow
  • How using a data driven design approach results in rigorous design choices
  • How to rapidly respond to changing requirements and evolving specifications


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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