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Ansys 2021 R2: Ansys Maxwell Update

The 2021 R2 Ansys Maxwell release introduces significant improvements in low frequency simulation capabilities and numerous multiphysics enhancements that extend NVH to broader applications. 

This webinar provides a deep dive look at Ansys Maxwell’s powerful new features. 


What attendees will learn

  • We will discuss how Maxwell’s A-phi solver performs transient multi-conduction path simulation, which enhances the conductive emission for EMC analysis for busbar, power electronics and multi-layer PCBs.
  • We will also examine Maxwell’s improved and faster 2D skew design capability with V-shape and user-defined skew configurations, enabling designers to define any 3D physical skew topology onto a 2D design while maintaining 3D accuracy of electrical machine performance prediction at the speed of 2D simulation.
  • Additionally, we will spotlight numerous multiphysics enhancements to NVH, covering more practical applications, including options of window function for discrete fourier transformation, object-based harmonic force calculation with arbitrary skew slice model and added anisotropic elastic properties for enhanced magnetostriction force modeling.
  • Lastly, we will explore enhanced thermal dependency response of permanent magnets, supporting temperature-dependent multiple demagnetization curves.


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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