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Granta Materials Data for Simulation

Easily access materials input data for simulation, with broad coverage of materials classes, from within Ansys tools. This new dataset is drawn from the industry-standard materials data library, providing the material property data required for structural analysis.

The data are collated and maintained by the materials experts in the Ansys Data Products team. Ansys is the leading provider of materials information combined with related software technology - for materials selection, materials data management, and materials simulation. Ansys Granta Materials Data for Simulation (MDS) is based on proven sources including Ansys's comprehensive MaterialUniverse™M database and the JAHM simulation data set from JAHM Software, Inc. Coverage of data is constantly being extended in Ansys updates.


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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