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Driving the Future of Mining: Leveraging Simulation for Digital Transformation and Sustainable Growth

Mining engineers today confront a challenging environment marked by supply chain disruptions, inflation, and workforce shortages. Geopolitical instability and the lingering effects of COVID-19 have exacerbated these issues, with 45% of industry professionals citing supply chain instability as a major concern. Investors increasingly demand compliance with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, as 63% are ready to divest from companies that fail to meet decarbonization goals.

The industry also faces a looming skills shortage, with nearly half of the workforce nearing retirement and engineering program enrollment declining sharply.

To tackle these challenges, mining companies must embrace advanced technologies and improve communication through digital platforms. Prioritizing workforce upskilling and process automation will enhance decision-making, operational efficiency, and sustainability efforts.

What you will learn:

  • How to Navigate the Changing Landscape
  • Unlocking Opportunities in Mining
  • How Simulation and AI Can Transform Mining Operations
  • Success Stories


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