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Ansys LS-DYNA Student - Free Software Download

Ansys LS-DYNA Student offers free access to the world's most-utilized explicit simulation program, capable of simulating the response of materials to short periods of severe loading. Students can work through simulations involving materials failure and look at how the failure progresses through a part or through a system. Applications include automotive, aerospace, incompressible fluids, compressible fluids and shock waves, electromagnetics and more.

Terms of Use: Free student downloads are for educational use only and may only be used for self-learning, student instruction, student projects, and student demonstrations.

(Built-in license valid until 7/31/25)

Installation Steps for Ansys LS-DYNA Student Software:

  • Unzip the package LSDYNA 202XRX
  • Right-click on the .msi file and select “Install.”
  • Read and accept the clickwrap to continue.
  • Click the right arrow button to accept the default values throughout the installation.
  • Select “Read me” for further instructions. Click the “Finish” button to close the installer.
  • Your Ansys LS-DYNA Student software is now installed.

Reboot your machine and then run the Ansys LS-DYNA product from your Start menu.

Supported Platforms and Operating Systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 10, 64-bit

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • Processor(s): Workstation class
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 25 GB hard drive space
  • Computer must have a physical C:/” drive present
  • Graphics card and driver: Professional workstation class 3-D
  • OpenGL-capable

Download Times and Supported Browsers:
These are large files. Your internet connection speed and connection overhead will determine how long the download will take. Here’s a rough guide:

Download Speed (Mbps)

Average Download Time for Ansys Student Product

Supported Internet Browsers

10 Mbps (10Base-T)

  • 55 mins
  • If you are using Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer (7 or higher), you will be given the option to download using a Download Manager that will appear as either a pop-up window or a new tab in your browser.
  • If you are using Google Chrome, the file will download directly, with no option to use a Download Manager.
  • Note that Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (or earlier) and other browsers are not supported.

25.6 Mbps (ATM25)

25 mins

51 Mbps (OC1)

15 mins


Ansys HPC (High-Performance Computing):
Ansys LS-DYNA: Support up to four cores for HPC solutions.

128K nodes/elements

Renewable, twelve-month lease.


  • Ansys LS-PrePost
  • Ansys LS-Run
ansys student

Ansys Student

Ansys Student is our Ansys Workbench-based bundle of Ansys Mechanical, Ansys CFD, Ansys Autodyn, Ansys SpaceClaim and Ansys DesignXplorer. Ansys Student is used by hundreds of thousands of students globally and includes some of our most-used products commercially. Users of this product may also find value in downloading our Ansys LS-DYNA Student product.

Ansys SCADE Student

Ansys SCADE Student

Ansys SCADE Student is based on our unique qualified code-generation technology. It integrates the model-based design, simulation and code generation of embedded software. It features an adapted version of SCADE Suite used for industrial safety-critical embedded software as aircraft flight controllers or electric vehicle battery management systems.

ansys electronics desktop student

Ansys Electronics Desktop Student

Ansys Electronics Desktop Student is our industry gold standard simulators for work with antenna, RF, Microwave, PCB, IC and IC package designs along with electromechanical devices such as electric motors and generators. Students will have access to Ansys HFSS, Ansys Maxwell, Ansys Q3D, and Ansys Icepak allowing design work a broad range of electrical and electro-mechanical systems.

Courses to Get Started with Ansys LS-DYNA Student

Ansys LS-DYNA Student is the leading explicit simulation software for analyzing materials under extreme conditions. Our free Innovation Courses will enable you to simulate material responses in applications across automotive, aerospace, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetics.


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* = 필수 항목

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