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Designing Batteries using the Ansys Granta EduPack Software Tools and Data

Batteries have become a critical part of everyday life, with further advancements in battery technology happening all the time. Designing batteries with the ideal materials and cell arrangement can dramatically improve the usability of a product. This lecture gives an overview of the battery materials data found within Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education, and how it can be used in conjunction with the Battery Designer Module in the Synthesizer Tool. This tool enables estimation of battery module and pack properties from cell data. This can be used to explore and estimate properties for different cell configurations as well as to compare the effects of cooling systems and packaging materials of a design. A case study utilizing the information from this lecture is found linked below.


Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge of different battery cells and how they can be combined
  • Ability to select battery cells to modules for applications 
  • Awareness of how battery performance changes with configuration and cell types


Applicable Courses for Use

  • Battery Engineering
  • Battery Manufacturing


Related Resources

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* = 필수 항목

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