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Introduction to Explicit Dynamics using LS Dyna

This lecture presentation explores the concept of explicit dynamics and the importance of simulation in dynamic problems. It starts with examples of dynamic simulations and explains the type of applications that LS Dyna would be suited for. It also covers topics like applications and characteristics of implicit vs. explicit methods, equations of motion and solution methods, energy summary, hourglassing and mass scaling. Furthermore it includes a set of bonus slides which briefly discuss material models.


Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of explicit dynamics
  • Ability to recognize what type of simulation method to implement for a dynamic process
  • Awareness of the importance of simulation in dynamic problems


Applicable Courses for Use

  • Finite Element Methods
  • Computational Mechanics of Structures
  • Explicit Dynamics


Downloadable Content

  • PowerPoint (slides with notes and animations)
  • In-built Quizzes
  • Bonus Slides: Material Models
Introduction to Explicit Dynamics using LS Dyna

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