Case Study
Case Study
“The use of Ansys HFSS enabled our company to effectively realize complicated EM structures that very accurately predicted measured behavior, cutting down on the amount of iteration required and reducing fabrication costs.”
— Matt Tayfeh, CEO / Polytenna Technologies Inc.
Emerging consumer applications at mm-wave frequencies demand accurate and reliable simulation to predict performance, which can be degraded significantly at these high frequencies if not optimized carefully. Timelines to market are short, and reliable modeling is essential to remain competitive. Accurate simulation results that match well with the measurements at mm-waves are essential for novel 5G and 60 GHz system design.
High frequency mm-wave antennas are the core of our business, including the antennas used for new 5G systems at 20 to 40 GHz and the unlicensed 60 GHz band. To remain competitive in our business requires a powerful, fast, scalable and accurate 3D EM solver — at an affordable price.
Powerful electromagnetic simulation tools are essential to Polytenna. The most important features for us are:
The most important benefit to us from an engineering standpoint is simulation speed and accuracy. From a business standpoint, this saves us both time and money, in terms of personnel resources but also in cost savings due to less rework.