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借助Ansys HPC软件套件,您可以使用当今的多核计算机在更短的时间内开展更多仿真。利用高性能计算(HPC),这些仿真可比以往任何时候都更大‍规模、更复杂、更准确。各种Ansys HPC许可选项可‍‍让您将高性能计算的使用扩展至仿真所需的任何级别,‍从入门级并行处理的单用户或小用户群组到几乎无限的并行‍处理能力。


Ansys HPC许可



  • Enabling parallel and parametric processing
  • Scalable, value-based licensing
  • Single solution for fluids, structures and electronics
  • Enabling CPU and GPU based computing



Thanks to HPC, RJM are Now Able to Run Large Chemical Reaction Systems with Marked Speed Improvements

This customer case study focuses on RJM International, an award-winning specialist provider of emissions reduction and combustion improvement technologies and hardware for leading global power generators, refineries and steelworks.

Ansys HFSS

Andar Technologies Uses Ansys HFSS to Optimize Millimeter-Wave Radar Systems for Autonomous Vehicles

This customer mainly uses Ansys HFSS for electromagnetic full wave simulation and circuit design analysis. The Ansys solution allows them to achieve fast and highly accurate results of physical models/components used in their mm-wave IC system. Moreover, Ansys provides solutions for many issues involving radar systems on a chip that are not fully available from other competitors.

Omega Sailboat

Ansys + Emirates Team New Zealand

Find out how Emirates Team New Zealand added the flexible computing capacity of Ansys Gateway powered by AWS, to accelerate its results and enable engineers to tackle even more complex problems in the run-up to the next America’s Cup race.

STM Image

HPC Technologies from Intel and Ansys Help STMicroelectronics Advance 60 GHz Contactless Communications

This case study describes how the semiconductor manufacturer STMicroelectronics is using Intel Xeon Gold processors and Ansys High-Frequency Simulation Software (HFSS) to save time and money as it validates its innovative 60 GHz V-band products.

Ansys Hargrove Case Study

Hargrove Engineers + Constructors Use Ansys Cloud to Extend the Life of a Client’s Critical Asset

Hargrove constructs some of the most complex industrial plants, ensuring the safety of all involved. Leveraging Ansys Cloud, Hargrove is able to run simulations faster than ever, reducing the development time and overhead costs.





预测新工作站的仿真性能和投资回报是一项复杂的工作,这可能会使您难以说服管理人员签核新硬件。这就是Ansys和英特尔开发在线工具的原因,该工具可以评估运行Ansys Fluent或Ansys Mechanical的新工作站的性能和投资回报。


通过Ansys Cloud Direct试用版,您可以体验在云端免费运行自己的基准测试。您的试用包括免费订阅Ansys Cloud服务,‍并可访问Ansys求解器和云‍端硬件。





Ansys Cloud Direct针对Ansys求解器进行了优化,包括Ansys CFX、Electronics Desktop、Fluent、LS-DYNA、Mechanical和Speos。通过消除复杂的软件安装或云端设置,您可以专注于解决工程问题。而且您可以减少前期投资并避免延误,因为您不必构建内部解决方案或依赖第三方供应商。

云托管合作伙伴提供了IT服务和基础‍架构的组合,使您可以在单租户或多租户云环境中外包Ansys‍实施‍工作。这些合作伙伴支持自带许可证(BYOL)模式以及按使用付费(即Ansys Elastic)的许可模式。



Ansys HPC许可证

各种Ansys HPC许可选项‍可让您将高性能计算的使用扩展至仿真所需的任何级别,从支持入门级并行处理的小用户群组到几乎无限的并行‍处理能力。对于大型用户群组,Ansys可帮助进行多个并行处理仿真,并在需要时高度扩展以满足最具挑战性的项目。



You can use HPC licenses to run a single analysis across multiple processors (cores) and work with most Ansys applications. These licenses are particularly suited for entry-level parallel processing because they provide you with the ability to start small and license only parallel processes needed. You can add multiple CPUs (and GPUs) at a small incremental cost. You can enable GPU acceleration when using HPC licenses with Ansys applications, including Mechanical, Fluent, HFFS Transient, and Polyflow. Other applications are limited to CPU cores only.

HPC Pack licenses can be combined to run a single analysis across a relatively high number of processors (cores) to offer highly scaled parallel processing for your most computationally demanding projects. Alternatively, they can also be separately used to run multiple analyses across multiple processors. Instead of using your solver licenses, HPC Pack licenses can also be used for conducting concurrent simulations of parametric variations (supported by Workbench Design Points, Electronics Desktop, and CFX operating maps). Because HPC Packs are designed to provide virtually unlimited HPC, certain licensing combinations are not possible. For example, individual HPC Pack Licenses cannot be split between multiple users or between multiple analyses. Except for the 4 free, built-in HPC increments per solver license, you cannot combine HPC Pack Licenses with any other type of HPC licenses in the same analysis.

When HPC is used for capacity — the ability to run multiple multi-core jobs — the return on investment (ROI), accordingly, increases in a linear fashion with the cores. HPC Workgroup solutions provide volume access to parallel processing for increased simulation throughput for multiple jobs and/or multiple users. They reward the volume buyer with scaled pricing and improved productivity within a single co-located workgroup. Instead of using your solver licenses, HPC Workgroup licenses can also be used for conducting concurrent simulations of parametric variations (supported by Workbench Design Points, Electronics Desktop, and CFX operating maps). 

HPC Licensing Calculator

Click here to calculate the amount of HPC licensing increments required for your simulation using Ansys solvers like Fluent, HFSS, and Mechanical.

Calculate the Simulation Speed-up and ROI of a New Workstation



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White Papers

High-Performance Computing

The Value of High-Performance Computing for Simulation

Learn how software licensing and pricing models can ensure the highest value for engineering simulation workloads. 


Driving ROI with Engineering Simulation Software on HPC Infrastructure

This study evaluates the impact of HPC on 71 Ansys projects, providing insights into ROI, on-premises vs. cloud comparisons, and variations across innovation areas and industries.


Challenges and Best Practices for TCO Models of Technical Computing Resources for Engineering Modeling and Simulation Workflows

This white paper explores various TCO models for on-premises and cloud-based HPC infrastructure. It includes best practices for users to consider when developing their own TCO models and for vendors supporting users’ TCO efforts. 

White Papers




本客户案例研究重点介绍了RJM International,这是一家屡获殊荣的专业供应商,为全球领先的发电厂、炼油厂和钢铁厂提供减排和燃烧改进技术和硬件。 

Ansys Hargrove案例研究

Hargrove Engineers + Constructors使用Ansys Cloud延长客户关键资产的寿命

Hargrove建造了一些最复杂的工业工厂,确保所有相关人员的安全。利用Ansys Cloud,Hargrove能够比以往更快地运行仿真,从而减少开发时间和‍间接开销成本。

STM Image

英特尔和Ansys的HPC技术帮助STMicroelectronics推动60 GHz非接触式通信的发展

本案例研究描述了半导体制造商STMicroelectronics如何使用Intel Xeon Gold处理器和Ansys高频仿真软件(HFSS)来验证其创新型60 GHz V频段产品,从而节省时间和资金。

