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Prith Banerjee博士


Prith Banerjee博士是Ansys首席技术官。他负责领导Ansys技术战略的发展,并将倡导公司下一阶段的创新和增长。

他曾担任Korn Ferry的高级客户合伙人,负责全球工业的物联网和数字化转型。在此之前,曾历任施耐德电气公司的执行副总裁兼首席技术官、埃森哲全球技术研发部的总经理、瑞士苏黎世电力和自动化公司ABB的首席技术官兼执行副总裁、惠普研发高级副总裁兼惠普实验室总监。

他还曾担任过伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校工程学院的院长、西北大学电气与计算机工程系主任以及Walter P. Murphy冠名教授、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的电气和计算机工程教授。2000年,他创立了电子设计自动化产品开发公司AccelChip,该公司于2006年被赛灵思公司收购。2005-2011年期间,他创立了电子设计自动化产品公司BINACHIP,并担任董事长兼首席科学家。他的研究领域包括电子设计自动化和并行计算,曾在各种期刊和会议上发表约350篇研究论文。

Banerjee博士于2009年被FastCompany评选为全球百位最佳企业领导者。他是美国科学促进会(AAAS)、国际计算机学会(ACM)和电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)的高级研究员,曾获得1996年ASEE特曼奖(Terman Award),1987年美国国家科学基金会(NSF)杰出青年科学家总统奖(Presidential Young Investigator Award)。他先后毕业于印度理工学院卡哈拉格普尔分校和伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校,分别荣获电子工程学工科学士学位(总统金奖得主),以及电气工程学理学硕士和博士学位。

Articles by Dr. Banerjee

Prith Banerjee

How Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Simulation Work Together

Ansys Chief Technology Officer Dr. Prith Banerjee explains how better, faster decisions are made possible when AI, ML, and simulation align.


What Is Business Innovation and How Can Simulation Foster It?

Innovation vs invention: Companies need to focus on business innovations to grow and survive disruption.


5G Benefits That Will Change the World

5G benefits like better access to healthcare and faster rollout of autonomous vehicles are revealed in a new survey about consumer perceptions about 5G.

How AI and ML are Changing Simulation

How AI and ML are Changing Simulation

Ansys can use simulation augmented by AI/ML to speed up the simulation time by factors of 100X by training neural networks by data-driven methods or physics-informed methods.

AI and ML: The Brave New World of Simulation

Ansys is capitalizing on AI and ML capabilities to help customers solve their most complex problems, including the task of geometric representation, which is a foundational problem that affects virtually every engineering team.

How AI and ML are Changing Simulation

2022: The Year AI Takes Center Stage

While innovations continue to evolve, Ansys predicts that 2022 will see simulation and AI become even more powerful than ever.

Chip thermal method

Simulation Speed vs. Accuracy: AI and GPUs Tip the Balance

Learn how Ansys simulation solutions use AI/ML and NVIDIA GPUs to enhance productivity, accelerate simulation runs, enhance engineering design, and provide business insights. 



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