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Ansys System Coupling

Accurate data exchange for multiphysics simulations

System Coupling solves multiphysics problems by connecting independent physics solvers and coordinating the exchange of the solution data, enabling accurate capture of complex interactions between physical models.

Connecting and Coordinating

Capturing Data from Physical Interactions Impacting Results

System Coupling manages data exchange and coordinates independent solver executions. Accurately capturing the complex interactions between physical models (typically simulated in separate solvers) are critical to understanding the problem. The result is smooth convergence of the multiphysics simulation for high-fidelity multiphysics simulations that impact engineering decisions.

  • Easily manage data across Ansys Products
    Easily manage data across Ansys Products
  • Save time with automated data transfer
    Save time with automated data transfer
  • Integrate multiple analyses within a single interface
    Integrate multiple analyses within a single interface
  • Create higher fidelity models
    Create higher fidelity models

Quick Specs

System Coupling can integrate multiple individual analyses, enabling you to leverage different physics solvers and/or static external data sources in a single simulation.

  • Dedicated user interface
  • Advanced data mapping
  • Co-simulation
  • Steady and transient
  • 2D-3D and 3D-3D mapping
  • Convergence tracking
  • Solution restarts
  • HPC deployment
  • Solution stabilization
  • Error handling
  • Mapping diagnostics

January 2023

What's New

Modern product development trends drive the need for a more significant investigation of multiphysics effects. Designing close to the edge and balancing functional requirements with material and production costs requires an excellent understanding of the physics involved. This release makes it easier to build high-fidelity multiphysics workflows through enhanced user experience, improved data mapping algorithms, workflow customization through PyAnsys, and more.

py ansys black

PySystemCoupling enables seamless use of System Coupling technology to build multiphysics workflows directly from your Python environment. 

system coupling UI
Enhanced User Experience

Simplified setup of the solvers participating in the coupled solution and automatic data transfer creation democratizes multiphysics simulation. 

aero damping
Improved Data Mapping

Support for mapping complex mode shapes from a Mechanical modal analysis to a CFD blade flutter analysis provides an improved workflow for aerodynamic damping.  

Related Products

Manage the exchange of data and coordinate independent solver executions to perform multiphysics simulations

When two or more analyses are coupled, the combined results can capture more complex interactions than an examination of those results in isolation, enabling the prediction of complex product behavior in real-world environments where multiple types of coupled physics interact. 

Meshing Capabilities


Key Features

Ansys System Coupling streamlines the exchange of data and coordinates independent solver executions to accurately capture the complex interactions between physical models, typically simulated in separate solvers such as

The broad range of supported coupling participants makes the simulation of various applications possible. Complex fluid-structure interaction, induction heating, and thermal management modeling connect to Ansys Mechanical, Fluent, Maxwell, CFX, and Forte. System Coupling APIs are straightforward when instrumenting new participants and allow an expanded range of applications. 

Synchronizes solvers participating in a multiphysics simulation and performs convergence checking, restarts, HPC deployment, and error handling. Combinations of steady/static and transient analysis types are available, depending on the level of detail needed. Manage cases with disparate time scales and techniques for solution stabilization and acceleration, increasing the simulation possibilities with System Coupling. 

Various physics solvers have different meshing best practices to achieve optimal solutions. These meshes can look different in the interface where multiphysics interactions occur. System Coupling uses several methods to exchange data accurately. The appropriate algorithms and mapping techniques are picked based on the quantities traded with thoroughly conservative and profile-preserving methods available. Mapping diagnostics allow evaluation of mapping quality with 2D-3D and 3D-3D mappings available. 

System Coupling is accessible inside Ansys Workbench and directly from the command line. A new, intuitive graphical user interface makes connecting your solvers straightforward, allowing you to specify the shared coupled regions and solver coupling settings in one place. System Coupling setup requires the solvers involved in the multiphysics simulations first set up to have the boundary conditions and simulation settings for the different solvers participating in the co-simulation available.

Articles & Blogs

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Simulation Provides Freedom of Speed in America's Cup

Emirates Team New Zealand has pioneered and extended its use of Ansys simulation software in its design process to become a premier racing syndicate. The team defended the America's Cup in 2021.

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Whether you're designing a bridge, aircraft, or gas turbine, understanding how the interaction of fluids and structures impacts your project requires a solution that accurately predicts and integrates both behaviors. 


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