Ansys Motor-CAD and Ansys Maxwell: The Ideal Product Combo
Discover how the use of both Ansys Motor-CAD and Ansys Maxwell simulation tools can add significant benefits to your motor design and allow you to push the boundaries to drive innovation.
Full system integration from the concept design stages to analysis optimization and verification
Ansys offers a complete workflow that progresses from concept design to detailed electromagnetics, thermal and mechanical analyses of the motor. Coupled electromagnetic-thermal-stress-and vibro-acoustics simulation of the motor using Ansys tools results in a high-fidelity, accurate and robust design that is optimized for performance, cost and efficiency.
Discover how the use of both Ansys Motor-CAD and Ansys Maxwell simulation tools can add significant benefits to your motor design and allow you to push the boundaries to drive innovation.
Comprehensive and powerful geometry templates cover a huge range of electric machine technologies, topologies and cooling systems. Ratio-based parameterization options provide unprecedented capabilities for parametric design optimization.
Quickly analyze the performance of designs over the operating envelope, including field weakening behavior.
Coupled multi-physics analysis from the start of the design process and built-in control algorithms enable virtual testing considering temperature effects over transient drive cycles or at steady state.
Ability to predict the thermal behavior of electric machines through a built-in 3D thermal network.
The electromagnetic design and optimization of the motor, provided by Ansys Maxwell and Ansys optiSLang, determines the radial, tangential, and axial forces associated with the machine's performance.
The acoustic representations of radiating vibrational noise are imported into Ansys Sound, enabling users to hear the electric motor at varying rpms.
Simulation results from Ansys Maxwell and Ansys Mechanical provide key inputs to realize the goal of measuring auditory perception and assessing a vehicle’s NVH performance. The structural simulation incorporates these forces in the presence of the motor housing.
Hearing the motor enables engineers to isolate and identify sub-components of the acoustic profile and investigate the influence on human perception.
Ansys offers a full system integration based on the ability to extract information from the design stages into analysis, design for validation and into the final verification stage. This enables full system simulation in one workflow.
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