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Platform Support

Defining the optimum computer infrastructure for use of Ansys software begins with understanding the computing platforms that are tested and supported by Ansys. Follow the links below to learn about the computing platforms we support as well as reference system architectures recommended by valued partners.

Current Release Support Data

The PDF files below provide platform support information for the current Ansys release, including certification and test information for operating systems, graphics cards, job schedules and other platform components.


Support Data History

The current release was tested to read and open databases from the five previous releases. Note that some products can read and open databases from releases before Ansys 18.1. Follow the Previous Releases link below for related testing, certification and support details.

Ansys Announcements


Information Resources Provided by HPC Partners

For customers who need guidance on high performance computing (HPC) configurations, useful resources are provided at the following links:


Ansys Benchmarks

Los geht's

Wenn Sie mit technischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind, ist unser Team für Sie da. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und unserem Engagement für Innovation laden wir Sie ein, sich an uns zu wenden. Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten, um Ihre technischen Hindernisse in Chancen für Wachstum und Erfolg zu verwandeln. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um das Gespräch zu beginnen.