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Ansys Exalto: EM-aware Parasitic Extraction Sign-Off

Ansys Exalto is a powerful post-LVS RLCk extraction software solution that enables IC design engineers to accurately predict electromagnetic coupling effects during the signoff phase.


Parasitic Model Extraction for Electrical, Magnetic and Substrate Crosstalk 

Ansys Exalto is a post-LVS RLCk extraction software solution that enables IC designers to accurately capture unknown crosstalk among different blocks in the design hierarchy by extracting lumped-element parasitics and generating an accurate model for electrical, magnetic and substrate coupling. Exalto interfaces with most LVS tools and can complement the RC extraction tool of your choice.

  • Capacity for Very Complex Layouts
    Capacity for Very Complex Layouts
  • Interfaces with LVS Tools
    Interfaces with LVS Tools
  • Results Combine with Digital LPE
    Results Combine with Digital LPE
  • Point-and-Click interactive Interface
    Point-and-Click interactive Interface
Parasitic model extraction for electrical, magnetic and substrate crosstalk

Quick Specs

Ansys Exalto post-LVS RLCk extraction lets IC designers accurately predict electromagnetic and substrate coupling effects for signoff on circuits that were previously "too big to analyze.” The extracted models are back-annotated to the schematic or netlist, and support all circuit simulators.

  • EM Coupling Models
  • Power & Signal Electromigration
  • Includes Substrate Coupling
  • Complements RC Extractors
  • Interfaces with LVS
  • Back-annotates to Netlist
  • Coupling Across Hierarchy
  • What-if Scenarios
  • Extremely Compact Models
  • S-parameter and RLCk Models

Optimize High-Speed Serial Links for Crosstalk

Nvidia applies Ansys Raptor EM analysis to de-risk high-speed serial links on silicon

Case study

Large complex circuits that were previously “too big to analyze” are now within reach with Exalto’s high-speed and high-capacity EM modelling for silicon devices.

The proliferation of RF and high-speed circuits in modern silicon systems has raised electromagnetic coupling to a first order effect that must be accurately modeled to reliably achieve silicon success. But generating accurate parasitic models suitable for electromagnetic coupling analysis is far more complex than traditional RC extraction. And the size of these EM models has posed a challenge for simulators.

Exalto’s unprecedented capacity enables you to analyze extremely complex layouts with ease. Its unique netlist reduction methodology makes the output netlist extremely compact, mitigating any simulation issues. This makes it possible to thoroughly analyze complex EM interactions that were previously avoided through expensive over-design and guardbanding. The result is a smaller, cheaper design with more reliable performance characteristics.

Exalto enhances existing design flows by complementing regular extractor tools and interfacing seamlessly with all LVS tools.


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Semiconductor application

Parasitic model extraction for electrical, magnetic and substrate crosstalk on silicon

Ansys Exalto captures unknown crosstalk between nets and hierarchical blocks by extracting lumped-element parasitics and generating an accurate model for electrical, magnetic and substrate coupling. Exalto can model crosstalk between different hierarchy levels and run multiple “what-if” scenarios without changing your schematic. Complex coupling within sensitive RF circuitry with large digital busses/control signals are easily captured using the “point-and-click” interface. A unique netlist reduction methodology reduces the output netlist by over 90%. Exalto interfaces with all LVS tools and complements RC extractors with S-parameters and RLCk parasitics that are back-annotated for partial or complete designs.


Key Features

Extract lumped-element parasitics and generate accurate models for electrical, magnetic and substrate coupling for large complex silicon circuits

  • High capacity and speed
  • Complements RC extractors
  • Highly compact models
  • Coupling across hierarchy
  • Interfaces with LVS
  • Interactive graphic interface

Generate passive, causal DC accurate S-parameter models suitable for AC, harmonic balance and SP analyses, plus passive, causal, highly compact RLCk netlist models suitable for transient, shooting and noise analyses. SPICE format RLCk netlists can always be simulated.

Ansys Exalto can extract full analytical capacitive coupling between overlaying inductors with underlying devices. It leverages existing foundry-characterized intra-device models for capacitors and transistors and then lumps total coupling capacitance to device terminals only. Exalto has the capacity and speed to extract full capacitive coupling even for thousands of devices.

Ansys Exalto is built with Ansys' modeling engine - the fastest electromagnetic engine in the industry. This means that the EM extraction of a 600 um X 400 um, dense, 7-metal-layer power grid takes a few minutes; the coupling model between all the spirals in a power amplifier to the key digital lines takes a few seconds.

A unique netlist reduction methodology makes the output netlist extremely compact, with over 90% reduction in elements and nodes compared to the native netlist. Traditional RC extractors with added high frequency (Lk) options run into capacity bottlenecks because the output netlist is too large to simulate. 

Run multiple “what-if” scenarios with different sets of critical nets, without ever touching your test bench schematic.

Ansys Exalto interfaces seamlessly with third-party LVS tools. The output can be automatically combined with the outputs of third-party LPE tools. Exalto also supports “extracted views” and “extracted netlists.”

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