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Ansys for Educators

Ansys is committed to working with academia to provide flexible education solutions for all users. We offer low-cost, multiphysics bundles with our industry-leading simulation software, as well as Ansys Granta EduPack for materials education.

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Why Teach Using Ansys?

The demand for graduates with engineering simulation skills continues to rise, largely due to the widespread use of simulation across product development and optimization workflows. The need for these graduates exceeds the supply, which is why Ansys is committed to working with educators to provide flexible academic tools. Ansys provides industry-leading tools designed to empower educators, making it possible to provide a hands-on education to students and give them a competitive edge as they enter their industry.

Simulation benefits students across STEM, undergraduate, graduate and post-doctorate programs. With Ansys tools, students can learn complex concepts quickly and become job-ready before they graduate, saving employers on training and lost productivity. 

Explore Ansys Academic Products

Explore Ansys’ academic products that include industry-leading simulation technology, bundled by physics area. Our education products are designed to empower educators to give students the best hands-on experience possible, giving them a competitive edge as they enter their industry. Product bundles are available to support any education need, from an individual class and professor teaching in one physics area, to our multiphysics campus-wide solution built for large scale deployment across a department or multiple departments. Additionally, Ansys GRANTA EduPack supports materials education.

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Tools for Teaching

Ansys provides resources to help educators develop curricula and teach students in both the areas of simulation and materials education. Our tutorial examples, videos, resources and courses make it easy to learn how to use Ansys simulation tools and understand the value of materials intelligence.

learning resources

Education Resources

Designed to enhance the learning experience, Ansys Education Resources provides comprehensive materials that facilitate the integration of simulation tools into engineering curricula. By leveraging these resources, educators can enrich their course offerings and empower students with practical skills in simulation that are crucial for modern engineering challenges. Resources include:

  • Case Studies: Real-world applications of Ansys tools
  • Exercises: Hands-on tasks to reinforce learning
  • Teaching Packages: Complete educational kits for structured learning
  • Lecture Presentations: Ready-to-use slides for classroom instruction


learning resources

Academic Webinars

Ansys simulation and materials products are taught and used in undergraduate and graduate level courses around the world. This webinar series highlights speakers from Ansys as well as educators from universities and focuses on:

  • How to enhance your curricula
  • Providing students with a hands-on learning experience
  • Improving retention rates

Funded Curriculum Module

Funded Curriculum

As part of our ongoing mission to support the teaching of engineering, science, and design, Ansys works strategically with educators to evolve curricula. Our goals are to keep pace with the needs of industry while ensuring students can make an impact on day one of their careers. We invite ideas that:

  • Incorporate Ansys technologies in new and unique ways
  • Include project-based learning
  • Encompass real-world challenges


Rethinking Engineering Curricula to Meet Industry Demand

Keeping educational curricula relevant is difficult when 85% of the jobs that today’s students will hold in 2030 haven’t been created yet. To explore the academic-industry disconnect, Ansys focused on two electrical engineering disciplines: antenna and RF component/systems design. Through interviews with industry experts, we investigate what universities are and aren’t doing to ease the shortage of trained engineers.  

Rethinking engineering curricula to meet industry demand

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