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Ansys EMC Plus
Platform-Level EMC Modeling

Electromagnetic modeling and simulation software.

Platform-Level EMC Modeling and Simulation Software

Ansys EMC Plus specializes in analyzing lightning-induced electromagnetic (EM) effects on large platforms as well as cable EMI/EMC problems in aircraft and automobile platforms to support EMC certification. Ansys EMC Plus bolsters the design-to-validation workflow with system-design evaluation for cable harness models in the aerospace, automotive, military, oil and gas, consumer electronics and energy sectors.

  • Check icon outline
    Ansys Discovery’s UI
  • Check icon outline
    Cable Cross-Sections Electrostatic Simulation
  • Check icon outline
    Streamlined Cable-Focused Workflow
  • Check icon outline
    Hybrid Transmission Line Harness

Product Specs

Ansys EMC Plus simulates issues including EMI/EMC for cables, crosstalk, shielding effectiveness, lightning strikes, High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). These solutions will provide great cost benefits for companies in their design, validation and certification programs.

  • Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD)
  • Hybrid Transmission Line Solve
  • Supports Ansys HPC
  • Supports Multilevel Shielding
  • Inductance and Capacitance Simulation
  • Ansys SpaceClaimTM Included
  • Thin-Surface Algorithms
  • Ansys HFSS Integration

How Embraer Uses Simulation to Put Planes in the Air Faster

Certifying aircraft for lightning strikes during development using computational electromagnetics simulation.

EMA3D Cable

“Hey, let’s go zap an airplane with an artificial bolt of lightning and see what happens.”

Brazilian aerospace leader Embraer uses Ansys EMC Plus to prove new aircraft designs against a lightning strike testing regimen while still developing. This permits the design team to achieve lightning certification through simulation, reducing the overall development schedule and bringing new aircraft to production more.

January 2025

What's New

The 2025 R1 EMC Plus release enhances electromagnetic compatibility analysis with conformal boundary approximations, automatic cable twisting, and multiple thin-layered materials support.

2025 R1 Electronics EMC Plus Conformal Boundary Approx
Conformal Boundary Approximations

Accurately models curved surfaces within cubic mesh faces, correcting "staircase" mesh inaccuracies while maintaining Cartesian meshing benefits

2025 R1 Electronics EMC Plus Automatic Cable Twisting
Automatic Cable Twisting
Implements automatic cable twisting in the solver based on user-defined "twist pitch," eliminating manual cable segmentation and automating capacitance and inductance matrix calculations
2025 R1 Electronics EMC Plus Multiple Thin Layered Materials
Multiple Thin-Layered Materials
Allows the definition of surfaces with multiple thin layers, supporting various thicknesses, permittivities, and conductivities for improved accuracy with fewer computational cells


Simulate System-Level Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Real-World EMI Events

When you’re designing the wiring harness for the controls system of a helicopter or the power distribution system of a next generation electric vehicle (EV), unwanted electromagnetic system effects can drastically uphold long-term production and cost-effectiveness.

As systems increase in complexity, system-level simulation becomes increasingly crucial to properly design an EMC solution and mitigate design failure in the future. EMC Plus boasts many capabilities that can help validate your design of a single cable assembly, the high-level system, and every system in between.



Key Features

Unwanted internal and external coupling can prevent or inhibit testing certifications. Ansys EMC Plus’s capabilities start with:

  • Shielding effectiveness analysis
  • High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) and cable coupling
  • EMI crosstalk between cables
  • Current return network optimization
  • Cable signal integrity
  • Lightning and EMP coupling to equipment interfaces

Radiated emissions simulations can be performed in full platforms, allowing the users to compute electric and magnetic fields anywhere in space due to radiation from cables and components. The automated coupling to HFSS allows engineers to consider the radiation of high-fidelity components such as packages, PCBs and antennas.

The coupling from ideal sources or specific components to cables installed in realistic platforms can be easily computed in the simulation environment. Radiated immunity tests, such as High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) or Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), can be easily simulated in Ansys EMC Plus. 

Easily setup Bulk Current Injection (BCI) and conduct susceptibility tests on wiring harness bundles.

Radiated emissions simulations can be performed in full platforms, allowing the users to compute electric and magnetic fields anywhere in space due to radiation from cables and components. The automated coupling to HFSS allows engineers to consider the radiation of high-fidelity components such as packages, PCBs and antennas.

By using a very forgiving mesh, Ansys EMC Plus can handle extremely complex platforms to compute shielding effectiveness.

Evaluate how the digital and analog signals are affected by the cable definition and external electromagnetic noise.


Featured Webinars

Webinar on Demand
Part 2: Electromagnetic Certification (EMC)

The unique capabilities of EMA3D tools are brought to bear along with other Ansys tools to collaboratively optimize EMC for electronic designs.

Webinar On Demand
Part 4: EMI and ESD Simulation of an Entire Electronic Device

This webinar, the 4th in a 5-part series, explores the use of EMA3D tools in conjunction with other Ansys computational electromagnetic simulation tools for modeling and simulating EMI effects in entire electronic systems.

White Papers and Articles

Application Brief OG

Metamodels of Optimal Prognosis for EMC on Automotive Cables

This document details how metamodeling techniques can be applied to the design, optimization, and assessment of harnesses for automotive applications.


The Computational Physics Technology Behind Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus

EMC Plus and Charge Plus offer models, solvers and features catered to these sorts of unique computational electromagnetics problems. Breaking it up into its main components.

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