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Ansys RaptorH
High-Capacity Electromagnetic Modeling Engine For High-Speed RF and Digital SOCs

A pre-LVS electromagnetic modeling solution that combines the gold standard Ansys HFSS electromagnetic simulation engine with the silicon-optimized Ansys RaptorX engine.


Modeling Electromagnetic Coupling and Interference in Silicon Designs

Ansys RaptorH is an electromagnetic modeling software with capacity to model power grids, full custom blocks, spiral inductors, and clock trees. Its high-speed distributed processing delivers accurate, silicon-proven S-parameter and RLCk models. RaptorH can analyze partial and unfinished layouts during the design phase and makes it easy to use either the general purpose HFSS engine or the silicon-optimized RaptorX engine for silicon structures.

  • Choose HFSS or Raptor Engine
    Choose HFSS or Raptor Engine
  • Reads encrypted foundry tech files
    Reads encrypted foundry tech files
  • Works with All Circuit Simulators
    Works with All Circuit Simulators
  • Silicon-proven accurate EM models
    Silicon-proven accurate EM models
  • Compatible with all IC design platforms and flows
    Compatible with all IC design platforms and flows
Modeling electromagnetic coupling and interference in silicon designs

Quick Specs

Ansys RaptorH extracts electromagnetic models at the pre-LVS stage for arbitrary routing and layout, including planes (solid or perforated), round shapes, spiral inductors, and MiM/MoM capacitors - with automatic setting of boundary conditions. The GUI allows point-and-click net selection and what-if analyses.

  • Highest Accuracy
  • High Capacity
  • Reads Encrypted Foundry Files
  • Distributed Processing
  • Automatic Boundary Conditions
  • Optimized for Silicon

Optimize High-Speed Serial Links for Crosstalk

Nvidia applies Ansys Raptor EM analysis to de-risk high-speed serial links on silicon.


As chips grow in size, complexity and operating frequency, it becomes essential to accurately analyze electromagnetic coupling to ensure working silicon.

Ansys RaptorH electromagnetic (EM) modeling software is optimized for analyzing semiconductor circuits. It achieves the highest possible accuracy by combining both the gold standard Ansys HFSS engine with the silicon-optimized Ansys RaptorH engine. By making this choice transparent to the user, RaptorH provides unrivalled capacity to model arbitrary complex silicon structures.

RaptorH is supported by all major silicon foundries and can read encrypted technology files to set up analyses with either the HFSS or the Raptor engine.

With RaptorH, RLCk modeling and simulation is completed in minutes instead of hours. Furthermore, its speed accelerates linearly with the number of cores. RaptorH benchmarks the accuracy of its modeling engines against lab-measured data from hundreds of devices implemented in silicon every year. The pool of measured devices now numbers over 3,000 and covers frequencies up to 110GHz.


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Modeling Electromagnetic Coupling and Interference in Silicon Designs

Ansys RaptorH electromagnetic (EM) modeling software is optimized for analyzing semiconductor circuits, and achieves the highest possible accuracy by combining both the gold standard Ansys HFSS engine with the silicon-optimized Ansys RaptorH engine. RaptorH’s unrivalled capacity and modeling speed calculates RLCk parasitics for complex circuits such as power grids, full custom blocks, spiral inductors, MiM/MoM capacitors and clock trees. RaptorH does not require boundary conditions or special ports, and the GUI supports easy graphical net selection. RaptorH works with all circuit simulator physical implementation platforms.


Key Features

The fastest and most accurate EM extraction and modeling for pre-LVS silicon devices.

  • Includes HFSS engine
  • Reads encrypted foundry tech files
  • Unrivalled speed and capacity
  • Models arbitrary silicon structures
  • Compacted RLCk parasitics
  • Interactive GUI net selection

Ansys RaptorH lets you transparently choose between the HFSS engine and the Raptor engine. This combination of engines provides ultra-high capacity in combination with silicon-accurate results and fast modeling times. 

As the complexity of the circuit increases, your design may include hundreds of ports or nets. RaptorH is the only product on the market that, due to its unrivalled capacity, can calculate RLCk parasitics for highly complex circuits such as power grids, full custom blocks, spiral inductors and clock trees.

Ansys RaptorH can accurately extract any arbitrary routing and layout, including power grids, planes (solid and perforated), round shapes and MiM/MoM capacitors. It does not require definition of boundary conditions or special types of ports. RaptorH generates passive, causal models as S-parameter models (for AC, harmonic balance and SP analyses) and highly compact RLCk netlist models suitable for transient, shooting and noise analyses.

With Ansys RaptorH, RLCk modeling and simulation is completed in minutes, compared to other solutions which can take hours. Furthermore, its speed accelerates linearly with the number of cores.

Ansys benchmarks the accuracy of RaptorH against lab-measured data from hundreds of devices implemented in silicon every year. The pool of measured devices now numbers over 3,000 and covers all production technology nodes. Models are benchmarked against measurement, up to 110 GHz.

Ansys RaptorH is optimized for analyzing semiconductor circuits and is well-supported by all major silicon foundries. It can read technology description files that have been encrypted by foundries and can use these to set up analyses with either the HFSS or the Raptor engine.

Ansys RaptorH’s GUI allows a point-and-click-based net selection process and can use existing layout pins and labels. It can easily add or exclude nets for debugging circuits with "what-if" analysis and for the evaluation of crosstalk among blocks. RaptorH also supports batch runs for routine jobs. RaptorH integrates with all popular design and physical implementation platforms.

Ansys RaptorH is integrated into LVS/RC Extraction flows from all major EDA vendors and offers point-and-click integration with popular custom layout tools.

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