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Ansys Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation for Muzzle Brake Structural Integrity

About this Webinar

In defense applications which involve the firing high-speed projectiles in the vicinity of personnel, it is important to protect nearby personnel from the dangerous expulsion of high-temperature propellant gases. Muzzle brakes can be attached to the tube exit with the intent to dissipate the discharge flow using holes and baffles; however, the structural strength of the muzzle brake can be challenged by the high pressures involved.

What you will learn

This webinar will demonstrate how Ansys Fluent and Ansys Mechanical can be used to compute the loads which the muzzle brake is subjected to and the resulting stresses and deformations of the structure. Moreover, the webinar will highlight the use of Ansys Fluent overset mesh methods, coupled-field elements in Ansys Mechanical and Ansys system coupling for 1-way transient fluid structure interaction (FSI).

Speaker: Walter Schwarz


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