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Deploying Simulation for Pharma Manufacturing to Enhance Quality by Design

 Most of the problems in pharmaceutical product quality are linked to the way they are designed. The traditional approach of empirical correlations, testing and inspection in pharma product development are not enough to ensure safety, efficiency and quality of the products. Quality by Design (QbD) is a concept encouraged by the FDA that integrates quality into a product through understanding of both the product and the process by which it was manufactured. By adopting QbD, industry can benefit by better insight and control over the process, fewer batch failures, increased efficiency, quick turnaround and better return on investment.

This webinar will provide an introduction to the application of CFD tools in the biopharmaceutical industry and will demonstrate case studies as well. We will summarize a DOE-based design of a bioreactor to optimize gas sparging and describe a methodology to engineer and design a production-scale bioreactor using CFD.


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