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Medical Devices: How to Get Ready for EU MDR

Medical devices need to fulfill a list of strict requirements to be approved for the market. In the past years, the emergence of new regulations and requirements, including the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) due to be enforced in the EU by May 2021, brought on unique challenges. This is forcing enterprises to change their approach, adopt original ways to manage material information and understand restricted substances. This webinar focuses on the challenges and best practices of identifying the presence of restricted substances and removing them to ensure the approval of devices.

Topics Include

  • The requirements of section 10.4 of EU MDR (Medical Devices Regulation)
  • Industry best practices to identify restricted substances and ensure MDR compliance
  • How to efficiently manage your materials information with Ansys GRANTA MI

Who should attend?

Materials experts and compliance departments with responsibility of ensuring medical devices approval (for companies selling in EU)


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