Materials for Industrial Design within the Ansys Granta EduPack Software
There are three components of product design- functionality, usability, and satisfaction. All work together to make a successful product. Technical design is largely focused on functionality and usability, while industrial design focuses on usability and largely customer satisfaction- how does this product enhance a user’s life.
This lecture presentation provides an overview how to select materials for industrial or product design using Ansys Granta EduPack™, a teaching software for materials education. Details on how to think about product value and product design are included. Examples of how materials interact with products to create the intended experience, especially on how usability and customer stylistic preferences, are shown.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of Industrial Design attributes
- Ability to analyze product character
- Reflection on product value, character and personality
Applicable Courses for Use
- Materials in Industrial Design
- Intro to Product Design