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Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker Analysis and Design using Transient-Transient Co-Simulation Ansys Maxwell-Ansys Mechanical Software

In the present paper, the authors describe the settings and the obtained results of a transient – transient co-simulation Ansys Maxwell® software – Ansys Mechanical™ software for analyzing the performances of a new generation of low-voltage circuit breakers. The complete simulation has been implemented by Rockwell engineers with the help of Ansys support experts in different fields (electromagnetic and structural). For the very first time, a complete Transient-Transient Electromagnetic Structural co-simulation has been realized, considering big deformations on the Mechanical software side. This innovative workflow has provided valuable insights related to the circuit breaker design, allowing Rockwell to better understand the high-speed dynamic of the device and therefore apport needed modifications to improve performances.

maxwell mechanical simulation


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