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With Ansys Zemax Choosing the Optimal Fabrication Chain at Minimum Cost for Your Lens is Just One Click Away

PanDao helps you identify the optimal fabrication chain at any point during the optical design process. Now with the collaboration with Ansys Zemax OpticStudio real-time producibility analyses of your optical designs are now achievable within one click. In this webinar we will discuss how to export your lens data to PanDao and showcase how PanDao will determine the optimal fabrication chain at the minimum cost. Learn how PanDao and Ansys Zemax OpticStudio can help you balance both optimal performance and optimal productivity.

What You Will Learn

  • How to export your lens data to PanDao
  • How PanDao will determine the optimal fabrication chain at the minimum cost
  • Learn how PanDao and Ansys Zemax OpticStudio can help you balance both optimal performance and optimal productivity.


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