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Why Customers are Choosing to Run Simulations on AWS cloud

The cloud provides resource elasticity, agility to build up and build down compute clusters with fully managed services, access to the latest compute technologies, and disaster resilience. While startup companies are typically “born in the cloud,” SMB and enterprise customers, who have traditionally maintained on-premises data centers for their engineering simulation workloads, are increasingly taking a “cloud first” approach. A tectonic shift is underway among SMB and enterprise customers in moving their engineering simulation workloads to the cloud. AWS provides cloud-native tools, such as AWS Research and Engineering Studio, AWS ParallelCluster, and AWS NICE DCV, to build and run large-scale simulation environments on the cloud. Likewise, through the AWS-Ansys strategic partnership, Ansys provides Ansys Gateway powered by AWS, enabling customers to access cloud resources for their simulations quickly. This talk will review the why and how of running engineering simulations on the cloud.


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