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Systematic Cybersecurity Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment

The digital revolution has produced vehicles with unprecedented connectivity, which makes them vulnerable to cyberattack. Ansys medini for Cybersecurity helps secure in-vehicle systems and substantially improves time to market for critical security-related functions. It addresses the increasing market needs for systematic analysis and assessment of security threats to cyber-physical systems, starting early in the system design phase.

In this webinar, we demonstrate how systematic cybersecurity analysis mitigates vulnerability to hacking and cyberattacks. Attendees will:

  • Learn how to identify assets in the system and their important security attributes
  • Discover new methods for systematically identifying system vulnerabilities that can be exploited to execute attacks
  • Understand the consequences of a potentially successful attack
  • Receive expert tips on how to estimate the potential of an attack
  • Learn how to associate a risk with each threat
  • Leverage new tools for avoiding overengineering and underestimation



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