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Cameras Design Workflow, Part 2: STOP Analysis Using STAR with an Automated Transient Workflow

The optical performance of the cameras can be significantly affected by extreme ambient conditions or in contact with the optomechanical elements. Accurate multi-physics simulations during the design stage are required to predict the system behavior under various working conditions to avoid the massive cost of prototyping cycles.

This webinar will present the Ansys Zemax STOP workflow for a fast and seamless structural and thermal analysis of a cellphone camera lens system.

What Attendees Will Learn

Applications that require analysis at different stages or operation modes, such as different phases, times, or temperatures, require working with multiple FEA datasets. Assigning the FEA datasets to the optical surfaces at each stage can be time-consuming and error-prone. We'll also review how the STAR user extension enables an automated transient workflow and how the STAR user analysis can evaluate different performance metrics and design changes to improve system performance.


Mojtaba Falahati, Ansys Application Engineer


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