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See Optical Simulation in a New Light with Ansys Speos

With Ansys Speos, optical simulation is accessible to everyone. View this on-demand webinar to learn how you can perform optical system optimization and validation within a multiphysics environment.

View this webinar to learn about:

  • Light Modeling for the Designer/Engineer: By integrating Speos with Ansys SpaceClaim, you can perform direct modeling to speed up the design process and flatten the learning curve.
  • Light Simulation for the Designer/Engineer: Ansys Speos is more powerful and easy-to-use than any other optical software, and it is accessible for any engineer, even those without CAD experience.
  • Speos Live Preview: With Speos Live preview for simulation and rendering capabilities, you can design your product interactively.
  • Optical Simulation Using Ansys Multiphysics: Take advantage of the Ansys platform to connect Ansys Speos to flagship solvers and perform design of experiment (DOE), design optimization and multiphysics analysis like optical-thermal and optical-mechanical.


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