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Predicting Battery Failure with Ansys Simulation

Battery packs are an integral part of the electrification and electric vehicle revolution. Battery crash is an important event with respect to battery design and crash response, which plays a crucial role. An electric car can catch fire a while after an accident because minor accidents can act as abuse events for battery packs. 

Battery abuse is an intricately complex problem and involves different physics at different scales. The coupled nature of the physics requires using structural, electrochemistry, electrical and thermal solvers to get insights and analyze designs.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of accurate, standalone physics solutions as well as integrated multiphysics solvers to capture the coupled behavior
  • Learn about simulation models available for leveraging multiphysics solver with Ansys LS-DYNA.

Integrating a multiphysics simulation solution into your product design process can accelerate the virtual verification of design, shorten design cycles and optimize battery packs for new vehicles.

Join us for this webinar to understand battery behavior under normal operating conditions and abuse conditions to optimize battery designs with Ansys LS-DYNA.

Speaker Name: Mukul Atri, Senior Application Engineer, Ansys


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