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Enhance your Ansys Workbench simulations using Ansys optiSLang

If you standardized your multiphysics analysis in Ansys Workbench, you could enhance your analysis with Ansys optiSLang with the added benefit of integration with third-party tools, parallel computing possibilities, etc. Below are the topics we will cover: 

  • How to combine the advantages of Ansys optiSLang with your already established multiphysics analyses.
  • Integration of Ansys Workbench into the independent graphical user interface of Ansys optiSLang g to gain additional capabilities. For example, additional tools (also third-party tools) can be linked to Ansys Workbench. Finally, signal processing in Ansys Workbench, file handling and the possibilities of parallel computing will be discussed. 

Speakers: Tino Dannenberg, Senior Application Engineer, Ansys


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