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Empowering Wind Turbine Design with Cloud and HPC for Solving Large CFD and Mechanical Models

In this webinar, we will delve into the Energy industry, focusing on renewable energy and sustainability through Wind turbine design. The first part of this free online event will feature Professor Alessandro Bianchini from the University of Florence (Italy) and Vice-President of the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE). Prof. Alessandro Bianchini will outline the challenges of wind turbine simulations and introduce the floating test case he is currently working on. He will discuss why there are more feasible solutions than simply having thousands of cores for solving this complex model.

Following Prof. Bianchini's insights, Dr. John Baker, an experienced former HPC and Cloud Sysadmin who is now spearheading cloud development at Ansys, will bridge the energy challenge with Ansys Cloud offerings. Dr. Baker will showcase recent innovations to eliminate hardware barriers, allowing our customers to seamlessly scale up or down on demand to meet their computational needs.

What Attendees Will Learn:

  • Challenges faced in wind turbine design
  • Examples of CFD models with concrete demonstrations
  • Introduction to how cloud and HPC can aid in solving large models more efficiently and effectively
  • Question and answer session


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