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Electromagnetic Modeling and Analysis of Power and Distribution Transformers

A transformer is one of the most important components in an electrical transmission and distribution system, and its voltage and power levels directly determine the transmission capacity of the line. In the process of transformer design, engineers face the challenges of electromagnetic, structural strength, flow and heat dissipation in multiple physical domains. Multi-field coupling problems, such as transformer vibration and noise calculation, transformer temperature rise calculation and transformer oil passage design must also be dealt with. In this webinar we discuss the capabilities of Ansys solutions for the electromagnetic analysis of power and distribution transformers.

View this webinar to learn about:

  • Stray losses on tank and structural components
  • Tank wall losses due to busbars
  • Short circuit forces
  • Load loss analysis
  • Insulation system design and electric fields
  • Winding short circuit impedance, capacitance and inductance
  • Core losses
  • Inrush current

Speaker: Reshmi Raghavan , Senior Application Engineer



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