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Ansys 2022 R1: Ansys Cloud Direct Update

In this new 2022 R1 release, we improved the admin capabilities within Ansys Cloud. Key features include the ability of admins to create and manage user groups, allocate budgets to company projects, and monitor cloud usage. Notable enhancements for end-users include a redesigned dashboard and enriched job-sharing capabilities.

Admin Controls

  • Access the admin controls from the Ansys Cloud portal without a Cloud Essential Subscription
  • Manage user groups and company projects
  • Control simulation costs by allocating budgets to projects and tracking usage
  • Assign Cloud Storage subscriptions to users for more control over additional Ansys Cloud storage

User Experience

  • Improved user experience with new and redesigned Ansys Cloud Dashboard
  • Enriched Job-Sharing Capabilities which include
  • Efficient collaboration for user groups
  • Support for debugging
  • Submit custom batch jobs using the Generic Solver Template via the Ansys Cloud portal

What you will learn

  • Discover the latest capabilities of Ansys Cloud
  • How to remove hardware as a barrier thanks to Ansys Cloud
  • How our customers are winning using the Cloud

Who should attend

Existing Ansys users and anyone who works with multiple CAE tools and Multiphysics simulations and want to remove hardware as a barrier by using the Cloud. 


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