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Ansys Lumerical’s Component Level Tools

Ansys Lumerical offers all the tools needed for photonic designers to model nanophotonic devices, processes and materials. It offers multiphysics-style capabilities and workflows to model optical, electrical and thermal effects at the physical level. Included in the suite are the following Ansys Lumerical tools:

A finely tuned implementation of the FDTD method that delivers reliable, powerful and scalable solver performance over a broad spectrum of photonics applications

A waveguide design environment with bidirectional field expansion and varFDTD

A finite element drift-diffusion charge transport solver

A finite element heat solver for conduction, convection and radiative effects

A finite-element Ansys Maxwell’s solver based on the Eigenmode method

A finite-element solver based on the discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method

A quantum-well gain simulator

An analytical solver for thin film multilayer stacks

This webinar will start with an overview of the broad set of component level solvers it offers with an emphasis on FDTD and MODE. It will then show how these solvers can be used to simulate and optimize novel designs in a wide range of applications including micro-LEDs, augmented reality, magneto-optics and lasers.


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